
Wilderness and Highlands

In your imagination, you can journey to the most inaccessible spots on the planet, where the impact of humans is hardly noticeable and nature reigns supreme.

Italy is rich in Wilderness Areas and Highlands, often protected within Nature Reserves and Regional/National Parks. Lands that deserve to be promoted and at the same time protected.

Aree Selvagge Incontaminate
Trekking in Aree Wilderness

Development of Territories

We want to explore, discover and document these areas - often forgotten - by promoting the realities of the territory that focus on sustainable tourism.

We use technical data, cultural information and multimedia content to create an interaction with the territories, enhancing and promoting active involvement of local realities.

Fermati ogni tanto. Fermati e lasciati prendere dal sentimento di meraviglia davanti al mondo   (T. Terzani)

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Other goals

Read about the other areas of development and promotional activities of our nonprofit Zero to Wild, through which a group of enthusiasts and professionals dream of creating a solid synergy between the natural environment and tourism: 



A short, simple, local adventure which is at the same time fun, challenging and rewarding. Finding the extraordinary in ordinary places...



Scelta dei materiali, comprensione del percorso, navigazione, alimentazione, allenamento, primo soccorso in aree remote, survival, bushcraft...

Leave no Trace

Leave No trace

A simple scheme of good practice to minimise human impact during outdoor activities. A must for sustainable and ethical tourism...

Divulgazione e Informazione

Spreading the Word

Sharing the beauty and the emotions that adventure and contact with the natural environment inspire. Educational and fact sheets, podcasts and videos... 

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